Republicans Expected to Win the House?

The dems are expected to maintain their control in the Senate. On the other hand, the Republican party is confident that they will win the House.

According to the Associated Press, the GOP leads with 220-213 seats in the House against the dems.

If they are successful, it will be a significant victory for the party and its conservative agenda. They swept the House with lightning speed, leaving liberals in their wake. It was a decisive blow for the conservative movement and will be felt for years to come.

Our patriot leaders ran a great campaign, and we’re happy with the results. They will now be able to push through their agenda and make America great again.

Liberal Media Not Happy About Republican Victory in the House

Liberal journalists reacted to the GOP taking control of the House of Representatives by blaming their victories on: 

  • Gerrymandering
  • Predicting that Republicans would quickly cause chaos in the lower chamber of Congress

The GOP has now won 220 seats after The Associated Press projected that Republican Mike Garcia… would win re-election in California’s 27th Congressional District. They’re securing a majority when the 118th US Congress convenes in January.

Hours after the projection, MSNBC opinion columnist Jessica Levinson claimed that Republicans taking the House was the result of Supreme Court rulings and gerrymandering… not voter choice. 

Levinson wrote, “It’s important to understand how we got here. “Specifically, one major Supreme Court case and two shadow docket orders almost certainly allowed the Republican Party to gerrymander its way into this victory.”

The demo-rat also asserts that recent Supreme Court cases prevented the addition of new congressional districts… instead of reinforcing “illegal racial gerrymanders.” Those that allegedly diluted the rights of minority voters across America. 

Meanwhile, MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan also reacted to news of the inevitable Republican majority. She called the news both “astonishing” and “shocking.”

“Less than two years since over 100 House Republicans voted to overturn the 2020 election… even after a violent attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters, the GOP paid no major penalty and managed to reclaim control of the House of Representatives today. Astonishing. Shocking,” he said. 

He added, “I was told the American people were most concerned about gas prices… and that was what they were voting on, and that the *Republicans* would solve that problem for them? Was it a lie? Say it ain’t so!”

From the looks of it, the media isn’t happy with our patriots winning the House. They even had to accuse us of gerrymandering to turn the situation around for them…

Right now, one thing is clear: the House of Representatives is the voice of the American citizens. The people have spoken. 

Most of us disagree with policies promoting high crime, open borders, high taxes, and inflation. Our patriot leaders deserve to win the house, and that’s a fact…

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